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Jessica Harley, ACC, CPC, ELI-MP

I’m an ‘executive-turned-coach,’ with 25+ years’ experience successfully leading marketing, advertising, analytics, customer service, operations, technology product development, merchandising, and sales teams. I’ve served at the officer level for organizations ranging from multi-billion-dollar Fortune organizations with tens-of-thousands of employees, to seed-stage and venture-backed technology startups. I bring to my coaching an understanding of what it takes to succeed in both environments.

I work with ambitious executives and teams to unlock their brilliance and potential, to identify and move beyond what is holding them back, and to create paths toward greater performance and satisfaction.

Working with Jessica was a wonderful experience. She really took the time to get to know me as an individual and a professional, and she helped me find clarity in my career path. We got to the crux of what is important to me in my work, and what to look for in a future job. She also enabled me to see my skill set in a new light, which did wonders for my confidence!

Get to know your coach:

I’ve had an amazing career to date. But my path to the Chief level was never direct or well defined. Early on, I didn’t have a blueprint for success. I didn’t even apply to college until the month of my high-school graduation, despite having strong grades and test scores, all because I was told that maybe it wasn’t for me. But it was. And with each success achieved or accolade received, my drive to be different increased.

Over time, I found much of my self-worth was based on achieving more and more. My success ended up hitting hiccups along the way, due to my “something-to-prove” syndrome. But others didn’t know or understand this, because I spent far too much time trying to compartmentalize my “work-self” and my “personal-self.” I was hiding what was going on in my life. A lot of my childhood was defined by addiction, and even through my career-climbing years, I was supporting my mother until her addiction ultimately claimed her life. I felt that if anyone knew what I was dealing with, they’d think less of me or believe I didn’t deserve to be where I was — the career I’d earned. So I developed “armor” instead of properly facing my personal challenges head on. Even these 15 years later, it’s still hard to communicate this to those who know me professionally. But I’ve done (and continue to) do the work. This journey to accept my whole self and show up with authenticity has changed me, my life, and my career—all for the better.

In our coaching sessions, I’ll partner with you to define your own success and understand what you may need to address or resolve to achieve it. While I’ll share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned, I will be far more focused on helping you learn your own lessons, so you can figure out what is right for you, your teams, your company, and your investors. I will do this by challenging you and supporting you. I won’t be afraid to call you out (with love and humor). But I will also help you to see your brilliance, and to get out of your own way so you can shine through. You and your team members will gain a better understanding of each other and achieve more success as a result.

On the personal front, I live in NYC with my software engineer husband, our amazing daughter, and our quirky dog. Becoming a mom as a successful executive in my 40s brought a big shift in my sense of self and priorities. And coaching others to navigate massive changes in their own lives and careers is also something in which I specialize with my coaching.

I love to travel the world and experience new cultures. I am an avid hiker, scuba diver, cook, and a former marathoner and triathlete. I bring zest and passion to all that I do. I laugh heartily and frequently, and love to make others laugh too. I care deeply about those with whom I choose to surround myself, clients included. I communicate directly, candidly and thought-provokingly. I’m a trusted confidante and fiercely loyal. I live all areas of my life with integrity and joy. I’m insatiably curious and will never stop learning. And I love to help others learn about themselves too.
